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Still Life in Watercolour Beginners Workshop

with Pamela Delves Thomson

1 day workshop at Grenfell Dramatic Society Hall,

Rose St, Sat 29th June 2024, 9:30am -3pm, 9am setup

COST: Members of GAI $30 per workshop; non members $55 per workshop.

Acc Name: Grenfell Artists Inc. BSB:633 000 Acc No: 157 516 915

Please use your surname and course as reference. 50% non-refundable deposit required at booking time. Full amount due at least 2 weeks prior to the workshop.. Payment due 14th June.


Pamela Delves Thomson

Australian Artist from Regional NSW
Pamela works in various mediums– watercolour, acrylic, pastels, graphite, inks, oils and mixed media. She is an accomplished traditional award winning artist. Her teaching and mentoring over many years (50) has seen her students go on to achieve greater success.

Watercolour paper - 300 gsm A3, Drawing book A4 or A5, 2B pencil, good rubber, backing board, 1” masking tape.

Watercolour paints  - warm red ( cad red), cool red(permanent rose),, warm blue (ultramarine), cool blue (cereleuan), warm yellow. (cad yellow), cool  yellow (lemon), burnt sienna . Bring what you have. There will be paints available to share.

Watercolour brushes Sizes 12,6, 1 (rigger).


Sea sponge, box of large tissues, rags, white pallets (large flat plate), water jars, easel. A landscape photo of your choice. Pamela will have a subject to work from.

Supported by the NSW Government’s Country Arts Support Program through Arts OutWest.

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